Email Marketing
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Email Marketing From Title Optimization

Did you know that what you put in the from title of your email marketing campaigns can have a dramatic effect on your open rates? Recently I was testing this hypothesis and after a test have once again confirmed my email marketing from title optimization theory. In the video below I share my findings.



A Quick Review Of The Results

Company Name = 11% open rate

Persons Name = 15% open rate

The champion of this epic marketing battle duel...............Person's name!


This experiment confirms what I found from a previous test which I discussed in my article titled Email Marketing From Line Open Rates. After that previous test I realized I had split each customer list in half sending half with a company in the from title and half with a person's name in the from title. This meant that if one half of the email list had a naturally higher open rate (because it had prospects that are more prone to opening emails) then it would skew the results. So for this experiment I sent a message with the same subject line to each half of a prospect list twice. Half "A" got the email with a person's name and then about 3 weeks later half "A" got a message with the company name in the subject line and vice versa for half "B". The customer that I preformed this email campaign for was Gold Roast who provides office coffee products and were were sending the email addresses of prospects only (not to current customers). When the numbers were tabulated they once again said the same thing...


It appears when looking to generate new customers via email marketing campaigns it is best to use a person's name in the from title as you will get a higher open rate to your messages. The one exception might be if you have a brand that everyone knows, but very few if any B2B small businesses have this luxury.


If you are a business that does not use email marketing I would highly recommend you take advantage of this tool. It can be a great marketing tool and is often referred to as the top return on investment marketing initiative for businesses. If you don't know where to start sign up for Aweber or Constant Contact. Both systems are low cost, easy to learn and very effective to use. I think Aweber also has an offer on right now where you can sign up for $1 for a one month trial. For websites built on Joomla the email marketing program Acymailing is also a great option.


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I hope this article on email marketing from title optimization is advice you will be able to incorporate into your email marketing campaigns and result in higher open rates, sales and profits for your business.