Email Marketing
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How To Design An Email For Higher Newsletter Open Rates

Do you think that the color you use for a heading or key phrase within an email can affect newsletter open rates? In this video blog I test a hypothesis I have, which is that using red text for a heading/key phrase at the top of an email will result in a higher open rate than if I was to use green or blue. The highlighted text was placed at the top of the newsletter on purpose so that it would show up in the preview pane of any of the recipients of the email that us a preview pane feature in their email system.





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You can also find more videos related to improving email marketing open rates at Profitworks' Youtube Channel.




Email Newsletter Open Rates From The Test

Red = 8%

Blue = 12%

Green = 9%

The champion of this epic marketing battle duel...............Blue!


It looks like if you want to highlight any headings or key words in a newsletter at the top of and email newsletter that blue is a good color option. I will refrain from saying it is the best color to use as this is only one test and I have also not tested many colors. In the future I am going to continue to test this theory and also test other colors such as purple, pink and orange to see if I get better or worse results. Blue does appear though to be significantly better than red or green as using blue resulted in a 50% higher open rate than red and a 33% higher open rate than green. Again this was only one test, than again most of my tests that I have completed multiple times result in the same results, even if I use a different method to test the theory. Actually to date I have not yet had a single set of contradicting tests. I am sure that will happen at some-point though so I will continue to double/triple test.


If you are a business that does not use email marketing I would highly recommend you take advantage of this tool. It can be a great marketing tool and is often referred to as the top return on investment marketing initiative for businesses. If you don't know where to start sign up for Aweber or Constant Contact. Both systems are low cost, easy to learn and very effective to use. I think Aweber still has their offer on right now where you can sign up for just $1 for your first month as a trial. It comes with a 30 day money back guarantee which is nice if you find out you don't like the service. For websites built on Joomla the email marketing program Acymailing is also a great option.


If you are looking for other ways to improve your open rates you may be interested in reading these articles.

Email Marketing From Title Optimization

Email Marketing Subject Lines....How To Increase Open Rates

Best Time Of Day To Send B2B Emails

Best Day To Send Marketing Emails


My name is Chris R. Keller and I work at Profitworks where I help various B2B small businesses in Waterloo and Kitchener, Ontario generate new customers. I use many sales and marketing methods for each of my customers but a common theme across all of my customers is that I always use email marketing. If you are interested in generating new customers for your B2B small business or you just like reading what I write, enter your email in the box provided below and click the "Send Me Free Updates" button.


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I hope this article on how to design an email for higher newsletter open rates is information you will be able to incorporate into your email marketing campaigns and that it will result in higher open rates, sales and profits for your business.