How to Choose the Best Google CRM for Your HVAC Business


The #1 way to choose the best Google CRM for your HVAC business is by assessing your business needs and priorities as a business and then finding free demos of CRM systems to find the best match for you. Effective customer relationship management can mean the difference between a struggling and succeeding firm in the fast-paced world of HVAC services. HVAC companies that want to increase efficiency, improve customer happiness, and streamline operations must invest in a strong Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Let me introduce you to Google CRM solutions, a collection of strong technologies that offer the scalability and flexibility you need to expand your company while integrating easily with your current operations.

One feature that sets Google CRM solutions apart is their all-inclusive platform, which seamlessly integrates with Google Workspace to provide convenient access to documents, calendars, and emails in one location. Time is saved by this integration, which also makes sure that every client encounter is accessible and recorded, resulting in improved service delivery and better-informed decision-making.

This article's objective is to assist owners of HVAC companies in choosing the ideal Google CRM for their unique requirements. We'll go over the most important characteristics to consider, assess well-liked choices, and offer helpful advice so you can decide with confidence. Regardless of your goals—improving field service operations, optimizing job scheduling, or improving customer management—this article will provide you with the information you need to pick the best Google CRM for growing your HVAC company.


Click on each of the corresponding links to jump ahead:

  1. Understanding CRM and Its Importance for HVAC Businesses
  2. Key Features to Look for in a Google CRM for HVAC
  3. Evaluating Google CRM Options
  4. Steps to Choose the Right Google CRM for Your HVAC Business
  5. Implementation and Best Practices
  6. Conclusion


For more information on how Google CRM systems can help improve your HVAC business, Contact Us.




1) Understanding CRM and Its Importance for HVAC Businesses


What is a CRM?



What Is CRM? | Introduction To CRM Software| CRM Projects For Beginners | CRM 2022 | Simplilearn 


Customer Relationship Management(CRM), is a system that businesses can use to manage and interact with its customers. A CRM can leverage having all of the customers information and interactions in one centralized area. This can help with automation such as sending receipts, automatic email responses, and provide insights and metrics about users' demographics and purchasing habits. CRMs are an all-encompassing system that helps streamline business while also improving customer interactions and satisfaction.


How HVAC Businesses Benefit from CRM Systems:

The use of CRM systems in the HVAC industry has many use cases, some of the most useful features of a CRM for HVAC companies are: 

  • Appointment Scheduling:
    • This allows the company to streamline the process of scheduling appointments with clients by letting the client choose times that they and the company are available. Additionally, reminder messages can help decrease the amount of missed appointments which can reduce the amount of downtime a company has.
  • Customer Management:
    • CRMs allow for HVAC companies to store customers information such as contact details, service history, and communication preferences. All of these allow for a better client experience.
  • Data-Driven Analytics:
    • Analytics based on the type of job, revenue generated, and time taken to complete jobs are all able to be tracked with a CRM system. Having access to this data can allow for the HVAC business to make more informed decisions, which can ultimately help increase profits. 


Why Google CRM?

There are many reasons why an HVAC business should choose a Google CRM over another form, here are some of the main reasons:

  • Easy Integration
    • A vast majority of HVAC businesses already operate with many of Google's tools such as Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Contacts. Choosing a Google CRM allows for ease of use and integration for a company.
  • Familiarity
    • Using a Google CRM allows for familiarity of use. This can help eliminate the learning curve that would occur when learning a new system or process with a non-Google CRM.



2) Key Features to Look for in a Google CRM for HVAC




Searching for a new Google CRM for your HVAC business can be a daunting task, to make this task a little easier, we have listed some of the key features to look for when evaluating new CRM options. By focusing on these aspects we have listed, you are able to make a well-informed decision on what Google CRM system may be best for your own HVAC business.:

A. Customer Management

  • Three of the most important customer management features an HVAC business should look for are Contact Management, Appointment Scheduling, and Service History Tracking.


B. Mobile Access

  • Mobile access features are very important for HVAC businesses due to features like Field Service Management, and Mobile-Friendly Interfaces.


C. Reporting and Analytics

  • When choosing a CRM, finding one that allows access to reports, and analytics is key. This allows for an HVAC company to track performance, as well as create reports on other important business metrics.


D. Integration Capabilities

  • When choosing a Google CRM, the option to integrate with other Google tools is a given. Another thing to look for is integration with other non-Google tools such as Mailchimp and Quickbooks.  This can allow for a company to scale as the business grows and demand becomes higher.




3) Evaluating Google CRM Options


Popular Google CRMs for HVAC

Now that we have informed you of the key features that you should be looking for in a Google CRM, we will list some of the most popular Google CRMs for your HVAC Business.

NetHunt CRM:


Source: NetHunt


NetHunt CRM is one of the best Google CRM systems you could use for your HVAC Business. NetHunt CRM offers superior integration with Google tools such as Google Workspace, Google Sheets, and Google Calendar while also providing a user-friendly interface. NetHunt also offers integration with LinkedIn. NetHunt CRM is one of the more affordable CRM systems, starting at $24 per user, per month. NetHunt also provides a Google Sheets CRM. NetHunt scored a 4.6/5 on For more information on NetHunt CRM, visit their website:



Source: Streak


Streak offers a Gmail-integrated CRM with very basic features such as email tracking. Streak is built directly into Gmail which minimizes troubleshooting. Streaks CRM price ranges anywhere from free up to $129 per user, per month. Streak scored a 4.5/5 on  For more information, visit their website.

HubSpot CRM:


Source: HubSpot


HubSpot CRM includes Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Drive integrations.  HubSpot specializes in marketing automation which allows for the HVAC business to take a back seat in that aspect. HubSpot can be pricey to unlock all of its features, but have plans ranging from free, to upwards of $1000 monthly. HubSpot CRM scored a 3.5/5 on   For more information on Hubspot CRM, visit their website.


Another great tip on choosing the best Google CRM for your HVAC Business is to read reviews from other similar companies, for example, any other trade business. Understanding how other similar businesses have interacted with a specific CRM can help provide insights into how well a given CRM may work for your business.

While each of these Google CRM systems has its pros and cons, evaluating your HVAC business needs and choosing a Google CRM accordingly can be simplified by viewing a chart comparing features. If you are interested in viewing more Google CRM options, you can view this Google CRM table.



4) Steps to Choose the Right Google CRM for Your HVAC Business



 Source: ThoughtLogik


A. Assess Your Business Needs

Before purchasing a Google CRM, take a step back and assess exactly what your HVAC business needs. If you are a smaller company that works strictly in residential areas, prioritizing things such as appointment scheduling and customer service history may be of more use to you, which would lead you to choose a Google CRM that has those features specifically. The same could be said about commercial HVAC companies, where you may prioritize project management and contract tracking over appointment scheduling. 


B. Research and Shortlist Options

There are many ways to research a Google CRM, one of the best ways to do so is by browsing the Google Workspace Marketplace. On Google Workspace Marketplace you are able to browse many Google CRM options that will be compatible with the Google tools you are currently using. Google Workspace Marketplace ensures that the CRM system you use will be compatible with your current technology stack. It also works as a great place to check ratings and reviews of products without having to use other sources.


C. Take Advantage of Free Trials and Demos

Taking advantage of Google CRM free trials and demos is one of the best ways to ensure the Google CRM you choose is suited for your HVAC company. By demoing a product, you are able to find out what works well, and what doesn't with your business, which will help you tailor your search to find the exact Google CRM that works for you. It is crucial you test features such as appointment scheduling, automated emailing, contact management, to make sure the functionality is what you are looking for.


D. Consider Scalability and Future Needs

Scalability is another key feature that you should be looking for when finding a Google CRM for your HVAC Business. You want to find a Google CRM that can scale alongside your HVAC company as it grows so you aren't having to change systems every few months to years.


E. Budget and ROI

Lastly, find a Google CRM that matches your budget. Remember, the upfront cost of a Google CRM may seem daunting, but Google CRM systems can cause an increase in productivity, and efficiency, which can lead to a decrease in cost in other areas. 


By considering these factors, you can more effectively choose a Google CRM system that matches your HVAC businesses needs, for a price that fits your budget.



5) Implementation and Best Practices

A. Planning the Implementation

Once you have decided on a Google CRM that fits your HVAC Business needs, the next is actually implementing the Google CRM. You can start by configuring pipelines, creating automation workflows, and creating specific fields for customer data. You may also start importing all of your existing customer data that you have from a previous Google CRM system, or existing Google Sheets, into the new Google CRM to fully migrate which will in return help your HVAC business be more efficient. If you are having trouble, there is a video linked below on how to set up a Google CRM system.



How to Integrate your Customer Data to your Google Workspace


B. Training Your Team

Training your employees on how to use your new Google CRM system effectively is a crucial step in this process. Teaching your employees how the Google CRM works, and how it can positively impact their day-to-day work is very important in maximizing efficiency. Teaching things such as key features of the Google CRM, best practices for data entry, and how to find solutions to their issues independently. YouTube, Reddit, and online forums are going to be very effective ways of teaching/finding a solution while implementing the new Google CRM system. If you are ever stuck, referring you or your employees to the given Google CRMs documents they have on their website is a great help.


C. Continuous Improvement

Lastly, Google CRMs allow for HVAC business to continually improve based on the data that has been gathered. By regularly reviewing your data and metrics that have been tracked by the Google CRM, your company can continue to maximize its ROI. Understanding things such as email open rates, customer feedback, and even rubbing points from within the company to continuously improve is crucial. By doing this, you can ensure that your Google CRM system continues to be an effective asset for your HVAC business.



6) Conclusion

While choosing the correct Google CRM for your HVAC company may seem difficult, by following the steps in this article you should be able to more confidently pick a Google CRM that fits your needs. By understanding the needs of the company you will be able to then make a short list of Google CRMs that you deem worthy. After testing, by using free trials and demos, you will be able to confidently choose the best option. When making the final decision, factors such as scalability and ROI should play a major role in your decision-making process.


By implementing a Google CRM, you can revolutionize your HVAC business by centralizing customer data, automating tedious tasks, and improving client communication. Google CRMs are known to boost productivity and efficiency within an HVAC company, by eliminating or reducing the amount of work that is needed to be done by employees. 


Remember to continuously check your Google CRM for data and metrics to maximize its efficiency within the company. Gathering feedback from customers and employees is a great way to ensure that your Google CRM can continue to be a very valuable and effective asset to your HVAC company. 


For more information on Google CRM systems for HVAC businesses, Contact Profitworks.