High-touch HVAC sales rep onboarding: 2024 A Complete Guide

It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of instructional design in the dynamic field of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), where technical developments constantly reshape the marketplace for sales reps. Effective onboarding procedures are becoming essential for businesses looking to satisfy the changing expectations of their customers and remain competitive. We explore the fundamentals of instructional design that are especially relevant to the HVAC sector in this extensive manual, emphasizing the "high-touch" strategy that places an emphasis on individualized instruction and interpersonal relationships.


Click on each of the corresponding links to jump ahead:

  1. Understanding the HVAC Industry Landscape
  2. The Concept of "High-Touch" Onboarding
  3. Key Components of High-Touch Onboarding: Instructional Design Services
  4. Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Onboarding
  5. Assessing High Touch Onboarding Effectiveness
  6. Conclusion


If you are interested in implementing High Touch onboarding with instructional design for your HVAC company, Contact Us.



1) Understanding the HVAC Industry Landscape:


Source: InsightAceAnalytic


The HVAC industry has continued to evolve over the years and is continuing to evolve with the new trends within the trades profession. in 2024, sales representatives are driving business growth by utilizing market demands and analytics. To understand what the HVAC industry has evolved into in 2024, we have listed some key points. 

Market Challenges and Trends:

The evolution of energy efficiency has taken the HVAC industry by storm. There are many reasons why energy efficiency has been such a strong force, with reasons such as government regulations, highly efficient systems that lower costs, and even the use of sustainable energy (Solar powered). Smart technologies have also emerged in the HVAC industry, as more clients decide to integrate their HVAC systems into their smart home systems. This also can allow for a more energy-efficient option as you are able to control temperatures and other settings without being present in the home or building.


On the other side, there are many new challenges that the HVAC industry has had to cope with. One of the biggest issues is the shortage of skilled labourers which has affected many of the trades. Another is high startup cost, especially when speaking on technology such as Customer Relationship Manager despite its very beneficial role in the long term of a business. 

Role Of Sales Representative:

One of the most vital parts of the HVAC industry currently is the sales representative. Sales representatives bridge the gap between manufacturers and customers, by teaching them about the newest technologies and new energy-efficient solutions. Sales representatives help push buyers to new purchasing decisions, while also fostering long-term relationships with customers. For this reason, sales representatives are essential for business growth as they act as the face of the company for customers. Other than just sales and customer relations, Sales representatives also are able to provide insights into the current landscape of the industry.


Evolving Customer Expectations: 

Over the years, the HVAC industry has shifted towards higher efficiency and reliable systems. This comes partly from the customers wanting to lower the costs for themselves and their families and the ability to help the environment. 


The HVAC industry has to continually adapt to new market needs such as energy efficiency, smart technology, and also providing excellent customer service through the side of the sales representatives. 



2) The Concept of "High-Touch" Onboarding





Defining High-Touch Onboarding in the HVAC Industry:

One of the best new ways an HVAC company help prepare their employees is High Touch onboarding. High Touch onboarding is the practice of taking a very personalized approach and hands-on approach to teaching new employees which will allow them to integrate into the company more easily. High Touch onboarding in the realm of HVAC entails things such as extensive training, mentoring, support, and continuously ensuring that employees are up to date with the newest knowledge and skills. By allowing the employees to learn the ins and outs of the industry before being pushed into the world, companies will notice benefits such as better morale, better sales, and a work environment everyone wants to be a part of.


Contrasting Traditional Onboarding with High-Touch Onboarding:

Understanding the key differences between traditional and High-touch onboarding will showcase why it is so effective:

Traditional onboarding typically involves a basic orientation session where employees are briefly explained about the company and industry. Following this, new hires are given very standard and broad training material which they are expected to learn on their own. This method is much less personal and can cause some rubbing points between new hires and the HVAC company. 

High Touch Onboarding typically involves direct interaction between trainers and new hires, while the trainers provide continuous feedback and tips to the new hire to help encourage a productive training environment. This can also entail very tailored training programs which are created specifically for each individual role within the company, which can be referred to as instructional design programs. 


Benefits of High Touch Onboarding for Sales Reps and Organizations:

As briefly mentioned before, there are many benefits that High Touch onboarding can provide to an HVAC company and its employees.


Enhanced Knowledge and Skills: Allowing for a more in-depth and hands-on training environment for new hires, allows them to gain a deeper and more full idea of the products, technologies and industry norms within the HVAC industry. This will allow the company to have more experienced employees.

Sale Performance Increase: Having sales reps that are more well-versed with the industry they work for, will ultimately allow for them to communicate the benefits of any given product to a higher degree. This allows the customers to have more confidence in the ability and understanding of their sales rep which may push them to be more inclined to purchase their product or services.

Organizational Growth and Adaptability: Having employees who are more skilled and knowledgeable due to High Touch onboarding will allow them to continue to grow and adapt to the industry with ease. Since the HVAC industry is constantly evolving and adapting, having employees who are able to do the same is crucial for company success.


Above are three of many reasons why High Touch onboarding is very effective within the HVAC industry, but the list goes on. 

If you are interested in more ways that High Touch onboarding can help your HVAC companies, Contact Profitworks.



3) Key Components of High-Touch Onboarding: Instructional Design Services



 What is Instructional Design?


Tailoring Training Materials to Individual Learning Styles:

One of the key components of High Touch onboarding is customizing training modules to suit the employee's learning needs. It is no secret that everyone learns in their own way, some people prefer listening, and some people prefer hands-on such as tests and quizzes. By tailoring the training modules to each new hire, you can ensure that each person gets the most out of their training. Companies employing this tactic can enhance the comprehension and information retention of each new hire. Employing this allows each new hire a better chance to succeed in the HVAC industry.

The Role of Instructional Design:

Instructional design is the method by which a company creates customized training modules. Instructional Design Services are provided by companies such as Raccoon Gang. These companies specialize in the art of creating personalized educational experiences for companies trying to educate new and older employees. By using multiple different methodologies and technologies, companies like Raccoon Gang can create one-of-a-kind training modules that align with the HVAC company's goals. Content can be constantly updated and refreshed to make sure that the modules are full of the newest information for the HVAC company.

Incorporating Interactive Elements:

One of the best ways to keep new hires, and older employees engaged while being taught the newest information the HVAC company has to offer is by including interactive elements to the training.  By incorporating things such as quizzes, group discussions, and interactive modules, the engagement of the user is constantly peaked to stay attentive. As opposed to traditional training where you may just read a document that details the information, allowing for interactive modules keeps the user engaged for longer periods of time, ultimately allowing for the user to retain more information than typical.


To conclude, High Touch onboarding relies on instructional design services to provide the most detailed and engaging content for its users to retain as much information as possible. This allows companies to ensure that their new hires are equipped with all of the information they need to feel confident in the field, while also displaying high levels of confidence that can persuade customers into sales, or into becoming a long-time customer of an HVAC company.



4) Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Onboarding



 Online HVAC Training in Virtual Reality


As technology continues to improve, more and more ways of allowing HVAC companies to teach increase. VR(Virtual Reality) is one of the newest advancements in training modules. 

Integration of Virtual Reality Systems in High Touch Onboarding:

VR systems have allowed HVAC companies to train employees in an entirely new way which is unparalleled and is only beaten by actual in-field experience. VR systems can allow for training that is only matched by in-field experience by allowing the employee to wear a head system that puts them "in a new world". After putting the headset on, the trainees are able to look around as if they were in the real world and interact with objects the same way. This new type of training can help simulate things that HVAC new hires will experience in the real world such as installation, maintenance, and understanding the risks that are associated with real-life errors.

Reducing Training Costs and Risks:

Although the upfront costs of a VR system can seem daunting, the long-term investment is positive. Allowing users to simulate real-life experiences, can help reduce errors caused by new employees, which ultimately reduces the number of callbacks that an HVAC company will experience. By not having to send out another trained professional to fix an error that a new hire may have created, companies can save even more resources. Not only can this reduce costs, but it also makes the work environment safer, by showing the risks and issues that could occur in the real world in VR, it can really demonstrate why all the procedures ar in place.




5) Assessing High Touch Onboarding Effectiveness


Source: FasterCapital


Implementing Feedback Mechanisms:

To ensure the true effectiveness of High Touch Onboarding systems, implementing feedback systems is crucial. There are many ways to implement feedback systems, it could be anything from surveys during the training modules themselves, regular one-on-one sessions where trainers are able to ask them about their criticisms, and also group sessions where all of the new hires are able to provide their feedback. Group environments can often help new employees feel more comfortable in sharing their thoughts on the onboarding process, as they can bounce criticism off of one another. By implementing these systems, HVAC companies are able to ensure that their new High Touch onboarding systems are effective and maintain their relevance with current industry standards.


Conducting Performance Evaluations:

On the other side of the spectrum, HVAC companies can also test the effectiveness of High Touch onboarding by conducting performance evaluations. By conducting these evaluations separate from the ones that are for the new employees completing the modules, the company is able to understand the effectiveness of the customized learning programs. These can be implemented at regular periods of time for employees to continually ensure the effectiveness of the training, while also having data-driven analytics rather than personal opinion.



6) Conclusion

The importance of instructional design in High Touch onboarding within the HVAC industry, where new developments in technology continue to reshape the marketplace. By implementing these features companies are able to almost ensure that new and old employees are adequately trained within the HVAC industry which leads to happier customers, more knowledgeable sales reps, and most importantly a reduction in costs and an increase in employee satisfaction.  This article is a comprehensive breakdown of why High Touch onboarding with the use of instructional design is essential within the HVAC industry. 


If you are interested in implementing High Touch onboarding with the use of instructional design, reaching out to a Digital Marketing or SEO company can help you choose the right company For more information, Contact Proftiworks.