Digital Marketing Scams - 5 You Should Watch Out 

Digital Marketing Scams

Image from iStock by Getty Images


If you're new to digital marketing, don't blame yourself if you don't understand half of the jargon in this industry. Digital marketing can be complicated, especially for beginners, but once you get the gist of it, you'll see the benefits it has for you and your business. However, this post will point out, not all of its parts are all sunshine and rainbows. 

There's a dark component of digital marketing that some people ignore, and these are the scams. This is not to say that scams are a huge part of digital marketing, but there is no denying the fact that there are many scammers out there looking to victimize businesses that are new to digital marketing.

If you have just delved into the digital marketing industry, you are one of their primary targets for scammers. Luckily for you, these scams are quite obvious, and you can see the signs when you know what to look for. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common digital marketing scams present on the internet. Let's start.


1. SEO Scam

Google SEO 

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay 


Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a strategy in which you aim to improve how your website ranks on Google. Having your website appear on the first page of Google after a consumer enters a query relevant to your business is very important. This will do wonders for your business since more potential customers will navigate to your website and check out what you have to offer. However, the SEO process can take time considering it is done organically. In short, you can't rush it unless you do some dirty tricks.

That said, SEO scammers often promise that your business will go to the first page immediately if you paid for their service. Of course, that's a lie. Unless they figured out the algorithm of Google, they wouldn't be able to do that. Luckily, there are a lot of legit SEO providers in Canada right now as it's getting more popular. 

Overall, pay attention to what these SEO companies are saying to you,  if it sounds too good to be true, chances are it is. Instead, work with an SEO company that does not sugarcoat things. A legitimate SEO company will talk to you in plain language and provide proof of their work. To make sure you do not get involved with an SEO scam, do the following: 

  • Educate yourself about SEO
  • Research the SEO company 
  • Verify the companies strategies and techniques 
  • Evaluate the company's track record 
  • Get multiple quotes and proposals 
  • Ask for customer testimonials and contact information 
  • Trust your instincts and ask questions 
  • Avoid guarantees of instant results 

If you're in another country like Australia, you can work with the #1 Brisbane Marketing Agency - Impressive to fulfill your SEO needs without any scams. They can provide traffic by putting relevant articles on your site, improving your business' brand and customer trust. 


2. Business Directory Scam

Do you remember the Yellow Pages? If you don't know what the Yellow Pages Catalog is, it's a book of a directory that you buy that will tell you all of the business that sells or provides products and services in Canada. If your memory is fragmented, you will be happy to know that they have been integrated into the internet, and they're one of the most popular online business directories as of late.

So how do business directories relate to scams? Business directory scams are conducted when digital marketing scammers put your contact information in business directories for a fee, only to put your information on dubious ones. It is important to note that when potential customers see your contact information on dubious/illegitimate business directories, your reputation may be tarnished.

To eliminate the risk of falling victim to business directory scams make sure you do the following: 

  • Research the directory in advance 
  • Verify the directory’s reach and audience 
  • Evaluate the directory’s proposition 
  • Scrutinize the terms and conditions 
  • Avoid aggressive sales tactics 
  • Verify directory affiliation with established organizations 
  • Seek recommendations and referrals 
  • Request sample listings or trials 
  • Trust your instincts

By implementing these precautions, business owners can minimize the risk of falling victim to business directory scams and make informed decisions about their online directory listings.


3. Buying Followers Scam 

Fake Followers Scam



You may also come across agencies that promise that your social media pages and websites will gain many followers. While that sounds nice, it's a common scam. What they do is that instead of giving your social media pages and websites real people that follow because they are interested in your content, they give out fake followers. 

Usually, bots pretending to be real people, follow your pages and website on the internet. Of course, this can be detrimental to your online presence, as businesses with bots following them usually have a bad reputation.

To avoid digital marketing agencies that purchase fake followers, consider the following precautions: 

  • Research the digital marketing agency 
  • Analyze their follower quality
  • Request references and examples
  • Discuss organic growth strategies
  • Monitor your social media analytics
  • Look for genuine engagement metrics not just follower counts 

By following these precautions, business owners can minimize the risk of falling victim to digital marketing scammers who engage in the purchase of fake followers or bots. It is crucial to focus on building genuine, organic relationships with your audience and prioritize quality engagement over superficial metrics.


4. Cheap Website Scam

The most common reason business owners don't have a website yet is that building one is expensive. That said, if you come across an agency offering to build you a website with a price too good to be true, it's usually a scam. They will build you a website, alright, but one that looks shoddy and unprofessional. Not only that, but they also usually put in software that will harvest your website's data without you knowing it.

To avoid hiring a scammer who promises you a high-quality website but delivers a low-quality one, do the following: 

  • Conduct thorough research 
  • Review their portfolio 
  • Define clear expectations 
  • Seek references and recommendations 
  • Request a prototype or wireframe 
  • Provide ongoing feedback 
  • Request a detailed proposal 

By implementing these measures, business owners can reduce the risk of falling victim to digital marketing scammers who promise a quality website but fail to deliver. Taking the time to research, communicate effectively, and establish clear expectations will help ensure that you receive a high-quality website that meets your business needs.


5. Website Repair Scam 

Website Repair Scams


If you already have a working website, you might have noticed an email in your inbox claiming that your website has a problem. Note that agencies usually don't come into business email addresses to warn you of these things. Instead, a professional marketing agency will tell of these issues face to face, or during your recurring meetings. So what is it? It's most likely a scam that lies about your website needing repair when it doesn't need repair at all. 

What they're doing is they're trying to get into your website to harvest its data and keep it hostage for devious purposes. However, if you think your website does need repairing, you can go to legit website repair agencies and have it checked and fixed. They're more reliable; you can trust them not to harvest your website's data. Remember, if you can't trust an agency to communicate properly, how can you trust them with your website?

To avoid website repair scams, do the following: 

  • Ask to speak face to face
  • Keep your website regularly updated 
  • Be cautious of unsolicited offers 
  • Regularly back up your website 
  • Trust your instincts and educate yourself 
  • Ask for evidence and examples 

By implementing these precautions, business owners can reduce the risk of falling victim to website repair scams. By working with reputable professionals, staying informed, and taking proactive measures to maintain website security, you can ensure the integrity and functionality of your website.


Final Words

There are a lot more digital marketing scams out there on the internet. However, these are the most common ones, and unfortunately, countless business owners are still getting scammed daily. Luckily, you know the common scams, how they operate, and how to combat them. With that being said, keep safe and don't believe everything you see on the internet.