Outsourcing Your Java Development Needs 


Many companies, all over the world, continue to outsource their Java development needs. Not only is outsourcing Java development cost effective but it is also more efficient. 

This article will go over the benefits of outsourcing your Java development needs, indicators of when you should outsource your Java development needs, Java development outsourcing options, Java vs Python, the average cost of a Java development project, the average salary to hire a full-time Java developer, and an explanation of what Java is. 


Click on each corresponding link to jump ahead: 

1. Benefits of Outsourcing Your Java Development Needs 

2. Indicators of When You Should Outsource Java Development Instead of Keeping It in House

3. Java Development Outsourcing Options

4. Java Vs Python

5. What Is the Average Cost of a Java Development Project?

6. How Much Is the Average Salary to Hire a Full-Time Java Developer?

7. What Is Java? 

If you have any questions about outsourcing your Java development needs, contact us. 



1. Benefits of Outsourcing Your Java Development Needs 

 Outsourcing your Java development needs can offer several benefits for your business. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Cost-effectiveness: One of the primary reasons businesses choose to outsource Java development is cost savings. Hiring an in-house development team can be expensive due to recruitment, training, salaries, benefits, and infrastructure costs. By outsourcing, you can access skilled Java developers at a more affordable rate from regions with lower labor costs.
  • Access to specialized skills: Outsourcing gives you access to a broader pool of talented Java developers with specialized skills and experience. This allows you to find experts in specific areas, such as Java frameworks, libraries, and technologies, to enhance your project's quality and efficiency.
  • Focus on core competencies: Outsourcing Java development allows your in-house team to concentrate on core business activities and strategic initiatives. You can delegate the Java development tasks to external experts, ensuring that your team focuses on the areas where they excel.
  • Faster development cycles: With a dedicated team of experienced Java developers, you can accelerate your development cycles. Outsourcing companies often have established development processes, tools, and methodologies that enable them to deliver projects efficiently and on time.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale your Java development resources according to your project requirements. You can easily expand or downsize the team as needed, without the burden of hiring and firing employees.
  • Reduced time-to-market: A well-coordinated outsourcing partnership can significantly reduce the time it takes to bring your Java-based product or application to the market. Experienced outsourcing firms are familiar with best practices, allowing them to optimize the development process.
  • Access to the latest technology and trends: Outsourcing companies often stay updated with the latest Java trends, tools, and technologies. They can leverage this knowledge to implement modern solutions and ensure your project remains competitive.
  • Risk mitigation: Established outsourcing firms usually have robust risk management processes in place. This helps to minimize potential project risks and ensures a smoother development journey.
  • 24/7 development cycle: Depending on the geographical location of the outsourcing company, you can take advantage of different time zones to create a round-the-clock development cycle. This ensures that progress is made even when your in-house team is not working.
  • Improved focus on quality assurance: Reputed outsourcing companies prioritize quality assurance and testing. They employ testing experts to ensure your Java application is thoroughly tested and free of bugs before deployment.

Despite these benefits, it's essential to choose a reputable and experienced outsourcing partner to ensure successful collaboration and achieve your development goals effectively. Always conduct thorough research and due diligence before finalizing any outsourcing arrangement.


2. Indicators of When You Should Outsource Java Development Instead of Keeping It in House

Here are some indicators that suggest it might be more beneficial to outsource your Java development needs instead of keeping it in-house:

  • Lack of In-house Expertise: If your company lacks experienced Java developers or struggles to find skilled candidates to handle specific Java projects, outsourcing can be a viable solution to access a larger talent pool with the required expertise.
  • Budget Constraints: If you have budget constraints and cannot afford to hire and maintain a full-fledged in-house Java development team, outsourcing can be a cost-effective alternative.
  • Temporary or Short-term Projects: For projects with a fixed duration or one-time development needs, outsourcing can be a better option instead of hiring permanent employees for short-term tasks.
  • Scaling Needs: If your company experiences fluctuating development needs, outsourcing allows you to scale your Java development resources up or down as required without the overhead of hiring and training new employees.
  • Time Constraints: When there are strict deadlines or a need to expedite development, outsourcing can provide access to teams that are well-versed in handling time-sensitive projects.
  • Access to Specialized Skills: If your project requires specific expertise, such as expertise in niche Java frameworks, outsourcing can help you find specialists with the right skill set for your needs.
  • Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing Java development allows your core team to focus on essential business activities while leaving development tasks to external experts.
  • Reducing Management Overhead: Managing an in-house development team can be time-consuming and requires effective project management skills. Outsourcing can reduce the management overhead, as the outsourcing company typically handles the team's management.
  • Access to Advanced Technology: Outsourcing companies often invest in the latest development tools and technologies, which your company might not have the resources to acquire or maintain.
  • International Market Reach: If your Java project targets a global audience, working with an outsourcing company in a different country can provide insights and cultural knowledge to better serve those markets.
  • Risk Mitigation: Reputable outsourcing companies usually have robust risk management processes, which can mitigate potential risks associated with the development process.
  • Support and Maintenance: If your project requires ongoing support and maintenance after development, outsourcing firms can provide dedicated support teams to handle post-development needs.

Remember that each situation is unique, and the decision to outsource should be based on a careful assessment of your specific requirements, budget, and long-term goals. Always choose a reliable and experienced outsourcing partner to ensure a successful collaboration and project delivery.


3. Java Development Outsourcing Options

Consider the following Java development outsourcing options: 


a) Ein-Des-Ein 



  • They have a well-thought-out Java development outsourcing process 
  • Structured and detailed
  • Effective communication 
  • They have received lots of awards and certifications 



  • May operate better with large businesses as opposed to small businesses 
  • May experience some time zone differences 


b) N-iX 



  • Over 20 years of experience 
  • Clearly lists their clients along with testimonials 
  • They have worked with very large manufacturing companies like Fluke Corporation



  • Do not seem to work with very many small businesses 
  • May have some time zone differences 


c) Solid Studio 



  • Friendly, responsible, and available 
  • Effective communication via phone and video calls



  • Due to the size of their organization, they have limited capabilities 
  • May have some time zone differences 


4. Java Vs Python


Java and Python are two popular programming languages, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here's a comparison between Java and Python:


Popularity and Community Support:

  • Java: Java has been a dominant language in the enterprise world for many years. It has a large and mature community with extensive support, libraries, and frameworks available.
  • Python: Python has grown rapidly in popularity, especially in the fields of web development, data science, and machine learning. It has a strong and active community, with a wealth of third-party libraries and tools.

Syntax and Readability:

  • Java: Java has a more verbose syntax, requiring more lines of code to accomplish certain tasks. Its syntax is considered to be more strict and structured.
  • Python: Python emphasizes readability and simplicity, using a clean and straightforward syntax. It is often described as having a "batteries-included" philosophy, making it easier to write and understand code.


  • Java: Java is a compiled language, which can lead to better performance in certain situations. It is known for its speed and efficiency, making it suitable for performance-critical applications.
  • Python: Python is an interpreted language, which generally results in slower performance compared to Java. However, Python's performance has improved over the years, and for many applications, the difference may not be significant.


  • Java: Java is a statically typed language, meaning that variable types are explicitly declared and checked at compile-time. It enforces strong type safety.
  • Python: Python is dynamically typed, allowing variables to be reassigned to different types during runtime. This flexibility can lead to more concise code but can also introduce type-related errors.

Development Speed:

  • Java: Java development can be more time-consuming due to its verbosity and the need for explicit type declarations.
  • Python: Python's concise syntax and dynamic typing make it faster to write and easier to prototype applications.

Application Domain:

  • Java: Java is widely used in enterprise applications, Android app development, large-scale web applications, and backend systems.
  • Python: Python is commonly used in web development (Django, Flask), scientific computing, data analysis, machine learning (NumPy, Pandas, scikit-learn), and scripting.

Ecosystem and Libraries:

  • Java: Java has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, particularly for enterprise applications and server-side development.
  • Python: Python's ecosystem is rich with libraries, especially for data analysis, machine learning, web development, and automation.

Learning Curve:

  • Java: Java's stricter syntax and object-oriented programming concepts can make it more challenging for beginners.
  • Python: Python's simple and readable syntax makes it a popular choice for beginners and is often recommended as a first programming language.

Multithreading and Concurrency:

  • Java: Java has strong support for multithreading and concurrent programming, making it suitable for building concurrent applications and handling heavy loads.
  • Python: Python also supports multithreading but has limitations due to its Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which can hinder the performance of CPU-bound multithreaded programs.

In conclusion, Java and Python are both powerful languages, each excelling in different areas. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the project, the existing infrastructure, the development team's expertise, and the performance needs. Java is well-suited for enterprise-level applications and performance-critical systems, while Python is often preferred for rapid development, data-centric applications, and scripting tasks.


5. What Is the Average Cost of a Java Development Project?

The average cost of a Java development project can vary widely depending on various factors such as the project's scope, complexity, size, location of the development team, and the experience level of the developers involved. Generally, Java development projects can range from small-scale projects to large enterprise-level applications.

Here are some approximate cost ranges for different types of Java development projects:

  • Small-Scale Projects: Small Java projects, such as simple web applications or basic mobile apps, can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000.
  • Medium-Scale Projects: Medium-sized Java projects, which involve more complex functionality and require integration with databases and third-party services, may range from $20,000 to $100,000.
  • Large-Scale Projects: Enterprise-level Java projects, such as complex web portals, e-commerce platforms, or extensive custom software, can have costs exceeding $100,000 and may reach several hundred thousand dollars or more.
  • Complex Systems or Custom Solutions: For highly complex and customized Java applications, particularly those requiring advanced features, scalability, and security, the costs can exceed several hundred thousand dollars and may even extend into the millions for large-scale enterprise solutions.

It's essential to keep in mind that these cost estimates are just rough averages, and the actual cost of a Java development project will depend on many factors unique to each project. Additionally, the cost can also be influenced by the hourly rates of the development team, which can vary significantly based on their location and expertise.

When planning a Java development project, it's crucial to define clear project requirements and work with experienced developers or a reputable development company to get accurate cost estimates tailored to your specific project needs. Always prioritize quality, expertise, and communication when selecting a development team, as these factors can significantly impact the success of your project.


6. How Much Is the Average Salary to Hire a Full-Time Java Developer?


As of September 2021, the average salary to hire a full-time Java developer in Canada and the United States can vary based on factors like experience level, location, company size, and industry. Please note that salaries might have changed since then due to market fluctuations and other economic factors. Here are approximate salary ranges for full-time Java developers in Canada and the US:


  • Junior/Entry-level Java Developer: The average annual salary for a junior Java developer in Canada can range from CAD 50,000 to CAD 70,000.
  • Mid-level Java Developer: The average annual salary for a mid-level Java developer in Canada can range from CAD 70,000 to CAD 90,000.
  • Senior Java Developer: The average annual salary for a senior Java developer in Canada can range from CAD 90,000 to CAD 120,000 or more.

United States:

  • Junior/Entry-level Java Developer: The average annual salary for a junior Java developer in the US can range from $60,000 to $80,000.
  • Mid-level Java Developer: The average annual salary for a mid-level Java developer in the US can range from $80,000 to $120,000.
  • Senior Java Developer: The average annual salary for a senior Java developer in the US can range from $120,000 to $150,000 or more.

Keep in mind that salaries may vary significantly depending on the specific city or state within Canada and the US. Tech hubs like San Francisco, New York, Seattle, Toronto, and Vancouver often have higher salaries to account for the higher cost of living and increased demand for skilled developers.

As the job market and economic conditions change over time, it is essential to research the most up-to-date salary data from reliable sources or consult with local recruitment agencies to get accurate and current salary information for hiring a Java developer in these countries.


7. What Is Java?

Java is a high-level, general-purpose programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation). It was first released in 1995 and has since become one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world.

Java is designed to be platform-independent, meaning that Java code can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This concept is often referred to as "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA). When you write Java code, it is compiled into an intermediate bytecode format that can be executed on any system with a compatible JVM, providing a great deal of portability.

Some key features of Java include:

  • Object-Oriented Programming: Java is primarily an object-oriented language, which means it organizes data and functionality into classes and objects. It supports concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.
  • Platform Independence: As mentioned earlier, Java's platform independence allows it to run on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and more.
  • Robust and Secure: Java has been designed to be robust, with features that protect against common programming errors. It also includes built-in security mechanisms, such as sandboxing, to provide a secure execution environment for applications.
  • Automatic Memory Management: Java uses a garbage collector to automatically manage memory, relieving developers from the burden of manual memory management.
  • Rich Standard Library: Java comes with a vast standard library that provides numerous pre-built classes and APIs, making it easier to develop a wide range of applications without having to start from scratch.
  • Multi-threading and Concurrency: Java provides built-in support for multi-threading and concurrency, allowing developers to create multithreaded applications to take advantage of modern multi-core processors.
  • Wide Industry Adoption: Java has found extensive usage in various domains, including web development, enterprise applications, Android app development, scientific computing, big data processing, and more.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Java has a large and active community, which contributes to a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools that extend its capabilities.

Java's versatility, performance, and platform independence have made it a preferred choice for a wide range of software development projects, from small applications to large-scale enterprise systems. It continues to be relevant and widely used in the software development industry.