Today we are going to take a look at cryptocurrency marketing services.

Having an effective online presence is important in today's cryptocurrency market. The team at Profitworks has over 17 years of experience helping businesses from dozens of industries increase revenue growth and we'd love to help yours too.

We'll give you a detailed breakdown of the key services that you need to use in order to ensure that your cryptocurrency business stands out from the rest by has an effective and ever-growing online presence.


Learn which cryptocurrency marketing services you need


Cryptocurrency Marketing Services

According to GlobeNewswire, the global Cryptocurrency market is expected to have an annual growth rate of 30% from 2019 to 2026. In fact, it was worth an estimated USD 792.53 Million in 2019 and will probably reach USD 5,190.62 Million by 2026. That is an incredible rate of growth.

If you want to make sure that your cryptocurrency business is part of this growth, then here are the main cryptocurrency marketing services you should be investing in.

Website Development

Your website is key to making sure that your cryptocurrency business will succeed. It needs to be:

1. Professional: If someone comes to your site and they think that it looks unprofessional, then they aren't going to use it.

2. Secure: Your website needs to be super secure; this will be a key factor in its success. With recent high-profile hacks of cryptocurrency exchanges, your potential customers need to know that they can trust your site and for the good of your business, you want to make sure that none of your currency is stolen by hackers.

3. Easy to Navigate: You will also want to make sure that your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate in order to make trades.


Make sure your website is easy to navigate


4. Fast-Loading: If your site is slow, then your customers are not going to want to use it. They will take their cryptocurrency business elsewhere.

5. Mobile-Friendly: More and more people are using mobile devices. In fact, more than 50% of all internet traffic is done on mobile devices, so you want to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. Here are a few ways that you can do that:

  • Make your website responsive meaning it will adjust to fit and look good on the various screen sizes
  • Don't use text-blocking ads and pop-ups
  • Keep your design clean and uncluttered 
  • Use large fonts 
  • Make sure that your call-to-action buttons are large enough to be seen on a mobile device 


Your website should also be mobile-friendly


SEO Services

In addition to developing a website that is designed with cryptocurrency trading in mind, another one of the cryptocurrency marketing services you should prioritize is search engine optimization. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a process that makes your website more attractive to search engines like Google and Bing, causing them to rank it higher. With SEO you produce lots of high-quality content and employ SEO techniques on your pages to help them "organically" move up in the rankings.

This is very important because most people will click on one of the first results that come up in a Google search, so you want to make sure that your cryptocurrency website appears in one of the top positions so it doesn't get lost in the sea of all of the other sites competing for your customers' attention.

In addition, including SEO with your cryptocurrency marketing services will give you a great return on your investment as seen by the following chart.



SEO can give you a great return on your investment



Content Creation

Tied in with SEO is content creation. Creating free, relevant content on your website is a great way to get known and trusted in the cryptocurrency industry. You could write blog posts, landing pages, e-books, white papers, etc. about topics that will resonate with your target market. Examples of what to write would be an article on "How To Buy Bitcoin", "Is Bitcoin safe", "Is Bitcoin a bubble" or "Bitcoin vs Ethereum".

In addition, Google also rewards websites that produce quality content on a regular basis with higher rankings in search results. Updating and adding quality content to your site is one of the key things that Google is looking for when it decides which websites move up in the rankings.

Social Media

Social media is one of the cryptocurrency marketing services that can have a huge impact on your business if you use it to its full potential. You should use a wide variety of online channels including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms. 


Including social media as one of your cryptocurrency marketing services can have a huge impact on your companies growth 


You want to build a strong community of loyal followers who are committed to the same goals and mission as your company. Therefore, you should try and focus your efforts not only on trading cryptocurrency but also on issues that will resonate with your target audience such as accounting for cryptocurrency or how blockchain could change our society.

Videos are especially effective in digital marketing. Make sure they are short, professional and capture your audience's attention quickly. You could produce videos about hot topics like "how cryptocurrency works" or "cryptocurrency for beginners". Topics like these will help to establish your brand as an authority on cryptocurrency which will help build your credibility with your target market. 

Managing your social media accounts can be time-consuming, but doing it properly can really pay off. Some businesses will hire another company that specializes in social media marketing, such as Relevantly, to manage their accounts for them.


Post high quality content on topics related to cryptocurrency

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the lowest-cost forms of digital marketing available and you need very little money to get it started and to keep it going. You can reach a huge audience for just a few cents per recipient. Email marketing has a much better return on your investment than other more costly marketing tactics such as print, TV and direct mailings.

If you don't have an existing email list or you would want to grow your list, you can do things like offering a free e-book download on your website in exchange for your visitor's email address. The e-book should be about a topic that would be interesting to your potential buyers such as "The History of Cryptocurrency" or "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Cryptocurrency but You Didn't Know Who to Ask." Just having an e-book itself will resonate with your target market because when comparing them to paper books, they are non-traditional.

Another way that you can collect email addresses is by offering a free calculator on your site. The calculator could do something helpful such as converting the price of your cryptocurrency into other world currencies. Visitors simply enter their name and email address in order to access the calculator.




Want Help with Your Cryptocurrency Marketing Services? Contact Profitworks

If you interested in learning more about the benefits of cryptocurrency marketing services, let's chat. Profitworks Small Business Services provides digital marketing solutions including website designSEO, local SEOemail marketing, and website traffic and conversion optimization services which increase the number of sales generated from your website.

The focus of our services is on increasing sales and providing a positive return on investment. To learn more about Profitworks, click here and set up a time to discuss how we can help you grow your business online.



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"My experience with Profitworks Marketing was very positive. They put together a very clear and strategic marketing plan. They helped me get more focused and come up with a solid plan that will take my business to the next level. Thank you!" - Krystle Marriott


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